Thursday, April 12, 2012

On Hilary Rosen, Ann Romney, Bill Donohue and parenting

My son was born four months ago, just before Christmas.
It was the most transformative moment of my life.
As I held him for the first time, I felt so much joy, but also so much fear. Every decision I would make from there on out had to be at least somewhat based on how it would affect his life.
I do not have the ability to put into words how much I love him.
And I don’t care if you’re married or a single parent, gay or straight, millionaire or poor, once you’ve felt that love, your life is forever changed. The responsibility of parenthood is immense.
That’s why the recent hubbub between some politicos bothers me first.
In case you weren’t paying attention, here’s the run down:
Ann Romney, the wife of presumed Republican Party presidential nominee Mitt Romney, defended her husband, saying he wasn't anti-woman.
Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen responded by saying “Ann Romney never worked a day in her life.”
For what it’s worth, Romney has multiple sclerosis.
Because it’s politics, things got worse.
Hilary Rosen should know better.
Bill Donohue, of the Catholic League, tweeted:  ‘Lesbian Dem Hilary Rosen tells Ann Romney she never worked a day in her life. Unlike Rosen, who had to adopt kids, Ann raised 5 of her own.”
Someone needs to hand these three people a beautiful baby to help them put things back in perspective.
First, just because Ann Romney is a “stay-at-home mom,” doesn’t mean she should be attacked or considered anti-woman.
My mom was a stay-at-home mom. So were each of my sisters at times. Molly and I would love for one of us to be able to stay at home.
But we’re in the “middle class” and we can’t figure out how to do it. Between college loans, our mortgage and living away from our parents, we just can’t afford it. But there’s another reason.
Molly and I both take a ton of pride in what we do. We see our careers – one as a journalist, the other as a teacher – as being a service to the community and jobs we really believe in.
Neither of us would ever knock a stay-at-home parent. The sacrifices they make are just as difficult and important as the ones we make. But here’s the important thing Rosen and Donohue clearly miss.
Whether we work or stay at home, we love our children just the same.
Second, Ann Romney is not your garden variety stay-at-home mom. With a multimillionaire husband, she’s not struggling to afford the food she puts on the table.
Does that mean, she loves her children any less than the parents who take on an extra job so they can make a trip to Disney? No.
But let’s quit pretending she’s checking the circulars to see if she can afford shopping at Wegman’s instead of Wal-Mart this week.
Third, Donohue pretends to be spreading the message of Christ through his right-wing group parading as a Catholic organization. Check out the <a href= "”> website</a>, for yourself.
It’s full of bluster about the culture wars and defending the Catholic Church against slanderous attacks. And there are a lot of headlines on its news release page such as “Obama Enlists ACLU in War on Catholics.”
I spent quite some time on the website and couldn’t find any references to traditional Catholic and Christian causes such as helping the poor, working toward peace and stopping violence.
Maybe Donohue has never heard of St. Francis, St. Patrick or Mother Theresa. It seems he’s never even read the words of Christ. Which leads us to our last point.
A mother who loves her child does so whether or not she bore that child from her womb. If a child is adopted, you can be sure, Mom’s heart is full of love.
That’s part of the reason Donohue’s comments are so repulsive. His organization has a lot of literature about the evils of abortion. And yet he completely rejected one of the most wonderful institutions in our society. Adoption is also a process that provides a very honorable alternative to abortion.
There’s only two ways to describe both Rosen and Donohue’s comments: Disgusting and anti-family.
So you’ll have to excuse me as I pick up my son, tell him I love him and say a prayer for parents and children everywhere.

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