Saturday, February 25, 2012

Michael found something and I hope I remember it

I've come to realize that fear is a big part of being a dad.
No, not making my kid's knees shake at the thought of me pulling off a belt and teaching him "what for," or the idea that I might one day unload my 9 mm. into his laptop.
I'm terrified I'll leave him in the car, or make his bath too hot, or that he'll catch whooping cough, or get sucked down the drain.
But for myself, the only thing I'm really scared of is forgetting these moments.

I keep trying to go over every minute of Michael's first few weeks and I can't get over how many things I don't remember. My sister says they'll all come back later. I'm not so sure.
I'm the guy who can rattle off Ken Griffey Jr.'s home run numbers or recite nearly all of Bill Murray's lines in "Ghost Busters" from memory.
So I'm completely out of my element in that I cannot remember what Michael was wearing when he was born.
I should have total recall of things like that.
Seriously though, aside from seeing him for the first time, holding him the first time, watching the nurse give him a shot (How I wanted to break her jaw when he cried.) and handing him to my parents for the first time, I don't remember nearly as much as I should.
That's why I was so excited to be there when Michael discovered his feet.
He was getting pretty fussy and I decided to sit him up. He continued to cry, with his bottom lip puffed out.
Then he stopped.
I followed where his eyes were going and noticed he was looking at his feet.
I tickled them a bit. Then I stopped and rubbed my hand on the bed. I brought my hand back to his foot and said, "Do you like these? Have you noticed these before."
I swear he leaned forward for a closer inspection.
Then his left foot wiggled a bit. And he smiled.
His foot moved again.
And this was the fun part.
You could actually see his mind work.
"Hey, I did that."
Hey, that's a part of me."
And this is where it got really cool for dad.
Michael looked at me.
And he smiled.
It was as if he said, "How about these puppies? You don't have these, do you? I bet you don't."
That smile is a memory I won't soon forget.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the video. I knew he would be brilliant. Wait until he plays with his toes or finds his hands. Keep me informed.
